Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our new house in the woods

We did it! We found our house! We've been looking for about 6 weeks now, and this house was actually on our original list but we overlooked it. It's a little further out than I wanted to be, so my work commute will be longer, and we weren't sure we were up for buying a fixer. But when we finally decided to go out and take a look we were sold. The location is just so cool. It's about a half mile (up hill:) from the harbor, yet feels tucked away - there's a long drive way lined with trees and about an acre of property, lots of which is trees. The price was also too good to pass up. We got this place for $125,000 below the original asking price!. It was on the market for a year and they had already lowered the price by $100,000. I don't think there had been any other offers. We offered $25,000 below that and they still accepted! If there were ever a time to buy a house...

The yard will be a long-term project, we don't even know where to start with that, but we are planning on remodeling the kitchen and the upstairs bathrooms right away, before we move in. We've got a good friend who is a contractor who will be helping us for practically a song, and we'll have to save some other major projects for later down the road. But I am just thrilled about this place! Of course we haven't had the inspection yet, so let's hope nothing major comes up. The house WAS built the year I was born so I'm sure there will be some things that need immediate fixing. I just hope they're not large things.

I know a lot of friends and family were praying for us to find the right place, so thank you! Thank you God. I feel so blessed. Now for the pictures. And hey, if you have ANY ideas or inspiration for design, remodeling, landscaping, I am all ears. It's a little overwhelming to know where to begin.


  1. Such exciting news! And what a great house! I will call you this week. I've got an icky cold and barely any voice thanks to all the snotty two-year olds I hang out with at Mommy & Me Preschool!

    Congrats again!

  2. What a great place!! Congrats!!

  3. Congrats girl! And praise the Lord for such a perfect place. I can't wait to visit your new place. I know it'll be beautiful and warm.

  4. Amazing!!!! I can't wait to come see it!!! LOVE!!!

  5. Congratulations friend!! I can't wait to hear your voice and chat away about it!! Hugs! xo

  6. Love the new house! It's so big and spacious! Room to grow. ;-)
    I hope all goes well and quickly on the remodel. The fun part is just beginning as you get to pick out all the stuff you want for the kitchen and bathrooms. Fun!
