Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nowhere to go from here

but OUT! Look at this belly -there is no.more. room.

I had a feeling I (or I should say Sam) would be late, but I'm starting to go a little crazy. (Almost) every inch of the house is clean, carseat's installed, I've watched more Netflix than I care to admit, and am starting to become a hazard to our bank account since I seem to find a reason to run to Target or Old Navy or Fred Meyer just about every day. (Couldn't resist this little number... I think it might be his going home onesie).

The weather's been beautiful the last few days so I've gotten out on some long walks with the dog. I feel like a slacker for not working until the last minute, but luckily I had a ton a sick time built up so this really won't shorten my actual maternity leave at all. Induction is scheduled for Monday night. Please pray with me that baby boy will come earlier, on his own. Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The bebe's room

The baby room is complete! It's so pristine right now... I like to sit in the chair and think about holding my baby boy, actually using the changing table, dressing him... I can't believe I will meet him SOON.

I'm actually trying to soak up the quiet, if that's possible. I know there won't be many quiet nights for a long time. I know that my life is about to completely change but I have no frame of reference for what it will be's bizzare!

I'm praying that he's safe and healthy, and that he will stay that way. I don't think about it too much but every now & then I worry that something could go wrong. Mostly I'm just excited to see him and hold him. And I must add, excited to not be pregnant any more! I think a bottle of champagne is going in that hospital bag.

Couldn't find the cable for uploading from my camera so these crummy iPhone pics will have to do.