Monday, March 26, 2012

Birthday update and other thoughts

Can't believe my little man, my baby, is one! One and some change as of today. We are having a belated birthday party for him next weekend since Bill had to work on his actual birthday. I will definitely take the time to write some reflections on Sam and this past year too, just not sure when! All our free time this week will be filled with remodel planning and birthday party prep. Oh, and a haircut for Sam!

Things have been going so well lately, despite all the change and upheaval in my life right now. Yeah I've been a bit stressed but that's normal right? I know it sounds morbid but I keep wondering, when is the shoe gonna drop? Surely something bad will happen because we've been so blessed with good news lately. Wrong. I know. I know God doesn't work that way. Life will have its ups and downs and I can't control that - just need to take joy in the good and continue to trust God in the bad. Still, I think of all my friends and family going through tough things lately, struggling and I feel guilty. Why do we have it so easy right now? I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, but my dear Molly's recent blog post really spoke to me and I want to share it. I know this is a season and there will be some different periods of suffering in the future, because that's life on this earth. But I know God will use it, and is using it in my friends' lives right now, to draw them closer to Him and give them a deeper understanding of and relationship with Him.


  1. Oh Sam... One year. He's a little man! I can't wait to read your thoughts on this sweet boy of yours.

    As for suffering, I feel the same as you. I always feel that the universe is balanced and bad will come after the good. So like you I'm being feeling guilty and quite paranoid right now.
    I admire people who are so peaceful in the midst of chaos, who still trust and love God, who KNOW that God is using their experience for good. I still have a hard time with that... But I'm being better at trusting.

    And I trust that God has good plans for you and that the shoe will not drop for a while :)

  2. Happy birthday Sam! Another wonderful milestone to celebrate. Hugs all around! There is so much more fun on the way. :-)

    As for the shoe dropping, don't even think those thoughts, Friend! As you said, life has ups and downs, but relish in those up moments. Ride this wave as long as you can. Maybe this means some more awesome stuff on the professional side is next up!! Guilt for experiencing joy is Satan's way of squashing these huge blessings God is pouring down on you. Don't let him win. True friends will rejoice with you when you rejoice (and mourn with you when you mourn). These great moments in life are also good to keep filed for safe keeping for when things hit the downward slide - they remind you that God does love you and that he has blessed you (and will continue to do so.)


  3. Rejoicing with you my friend! I'm happy that you're happy. :) God is good all.the.time. Love you!!! xoxo
