Monday, February 13, 2012

10.5 months and crawling!

I wasn't sure if Sam would crawl, but he finally has! We finally kissed the sleeping wedge goodbye about a month ago so now he has room to wiggle and move around in his crib. I think he might have crawled much sooner were it not for that, who knows. He still doesn't really like to crawl because he can't get where he wants to go fast enough. We'll keep practicing.

Try to ignore my high pitched voice. (Every time I record Sam I insert my own soundtrack - sorry I know it's annoying). :)


  1. What a big boy! He is just so gorgeous, I can't handle it! Play date soon? ;-)

  2. All 3 of you are just too cute!! He's just so happy to crawl. And he's so so handsome!! Aw, you have such a sweetie pie.

  3. Yay Sammy! That's awesome. I love how he looks so happy and proud of himself. Meanwhile, Addie is like, "hey, you move?!".
    No worries on the Mommy voice. It's cute! (I hear ya though, I hate hearing my squeaky voice on videos) :-)

  4. I pretty much just love hearing your voice...but that baby is awfully cute too. :) Way to go Sam!!
