Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boring Update & Thoughts on Calvanism!

Wow, has it really been almost a month since my last post? Sheesh I guess my life has been pretty boring as of late. I honestly can't think of anything exciting to report... the weeks have gone by quickly just keeping up with the daily routine of life.

My church blog recently posted an article on Calvanism ("so hot right now") which was really interesting. Just as the post describes, it's attractive and appealing to me because I like to have the easy, black & white answers sometimes but disturbing, because on the other hand, there are some grey areas where there has to be room for discussion and the realization that there are mysteries of faith we may never understand in this life. I have a lot of thinking, studying and room for spiritual growth left in this life, and while I try to be open to learning and listening to other people's experiences and world views, I do think there has to be a line in the sand at some point, where you determine what truth is or whether you even believe in absolute truth. I do believe there is absolute truth in some matters, such as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. I don't believe that all religions lead to salvation or absolute truth. To me, that makes Jesus out to be a liar, and even if you're not a Christian, believing that all religions are inherently good, lead to God, are all the same, etc. just waters down the integrity of the beliefs or tenants of each religion, so why would anyone want to follow them anyway?

Ok, off the soapbox for now. Here's a fun little theology quiz. I am apparently a 50/50 split between Roman Catholic and Evangelical/Weslyean theological worldviews. About as random as it gets!


  1. Good post! I'm glad you're back to blogging! I took the quiz and my results were evenly split between Evangelical Weslyean/Neo Orthodox/Roman Catholic! (And a mess of other stuff too). Um, that might be because I didn't understand some of the questions. Made me realize how un-academic I am when it comes to the big book! ;-)

  2. Great post indeed, Jen. I like to know your thoughts on religion. It's amazing to work together in a place that promotes so much religious talks and not know what your friends think. Wake up call 101!

    I'm mainly postmodern (let's hope that doesn't mean Mars Hill!) and then classical liberal. But, like Heidi, I didn't get some of the questions -above all these about what some persons said about religion. Time to go to the library :)

  3. I haven't taken the quiz yet but wanted to tell you I'm so glad your back to blogging -FINALLY! :) I love you, and your heart.

  4. Adam and I took the quiz and we both were: Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. My numbers were a little higher than Adam's but we're on the same page. :) This was actually kinda fun and spured on some good conversation. :)
