Friday, August 26, 2011

Family pics are here!

Pics are up, over here. Thank you Molly!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh Jen, these are priceless! That little smile!!! Such wonderful pics! (And I love the S. pillow! Where did you score that? Restoration Baby???)!

  2. Jen, those pictures are so beautiful! I totally teared up when looking at them. I love the one of you and Sam in B&W in particular, but all of them are absolutely amazing. She even have one of the cat -not giving the evil eye to Sam, this has to be said :) I'm going to look at them again and give the link to Joe. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!

  3. Thanks you guys!

    Heidi - I got the pillow at Serena & Lily. It was a ripoff but I wanted it so bad. You need to start making them! ;)

  4. So cute!!! You have a beautiful family!

  5. your more than welcome, my friend. xo
