It's about to end. Well, I guess it ended yesterday when Bill went back to work, but I don't have to work until tomorrow! It's been wonderful, lazy mornings at home with the whole family around. Not that I sleep in anymore, but I can still be somewhat lazy! You would think that with Bill's every-other-week work schedule, we'd feel like we're on vacation all the time, but it just doesn't work out that way. By the end of a 7 day run as single mom I'm exhausted and have put off a lot of 'to dos' for the week that Bill's home. He babysits three of those days while I'm at work, and then we both try to squeeze in some personal time, so somehow we still don't feel like we get a lot of quality time together those weeks.
We did manage to get some projects done around the house last week which was nice, but I still have some in mind. We got a new bed/headboard for Christmas (it's been on my list since we got married almost 10 years ago!) so I'll post a picture of that once the bedroom is all tidied up. I want to makeover our office a bit too. Some day.
I've been seeing a lot of this face lately. I don't know... is it skeptical? Thoughtful? Observant/cautious? My brother nicknamed him 'Skeptical Sammy' or Serious Sammy. I love this face to death!