Anyway, I did want to capture some memories of Sam's first Christmas. I can't believe it's already over! Makes me so sad. We spent Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas day with the Finnertys, as we usually do. Sam soaked up all the attention, it was so fun to watch him interact with his aunts, uncle, cousins, and grandparents. He actually seemed to have fun opening presents too (with our help of course). He pretty much has a new wardrobe for the 12-18 month period (they make some pretty stinkin' cute boys clothes these days) and he got a few new toys, which was a relief because the toy pile is already too big at our house.
This Christmas, for some reason, has been rough for a lot of good friends and acquaintances. Along with that, sharing the experience with Sam made me appreciate it that much more. The best part was just being with family and enjoying our precious time together.
Tonight we are staying in - Bill has to work all weekend and Sam goes to bed pretty early anyway so we'll snuggle in for some family time. Our lives have truly changed, but Sam is such a blessing. Happy 2012!
Having fun with Dad
Sam with Aunt Kate
With his new teddy bear and giraffe slippers.