Thursday, December 30, 2010

Scenes from Christmas

I just realized Bill's not in any of these. Poor guy missed out on Christmas Eve but we were able to spend Christmas Day with his family and see his middle sister, who hasn't been home for Christmas in three years. I can't believe the holidays are almost over and we're on to a new year!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Down in the Dumps?

You have to listen to this clip - it's short, I promise. It will make you smile!

I know this is an odd blog post for the day before Christmas Eve, hopefully no one is feeling down, I'm just in a mood. It's pouring down rain, I feel trapped inside the house and my husband has been nearly immobile for a week now and there's nothing I can do to help him. Suffice to say he has major back issues/nerve pain and can really only stand up or lay down, no sitting going on. He is frustrated and in a lot of pain but just has to wait it out. I did talk him into acupuncture starting next week, so hopefully that will make a difference. Some people swear by it. Selfishly, I feel like there's so much we could be doing around the house - rearranging, prepping baby's room, etc - but we're both a little incapacitated at the moment. Please say a prayer for his healing if you can.

But most importantly - have a wonderful, restful, joy-filled, delicious Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Ode to Bassets

As a result of the closet cleaning, I dug up a ton of old photos and had a good time sorting through them. I found this one of my good old friend Barney. He was a great dog. Man he stunk, but he had so much personality you couldn't help but love him. My parents made my brother and I wash him in a steel tub, outside, with cold water (as opposed to the indoor 'Doggy Wash' where I take Addie today, with warm water and a huge array of shampoos) . It was torture for all of us! He could howl like none other.

This description of Bassets pretty much sums them up. One of the many reasons I love Pioneer Woman - she has a huge heart for animals.

This being the Fur Factor and all, I thought it only appropriate to dedicate a post to Barney.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


See that? That is a (nearly) empty closet - a beautiful thing! This was one of those closets that spilled out and fell on top of you when you opened the door. With the baby gear pile growing I could no longer put off project closet. Bill also cleaned and organized the garage, a project that's been on hold over the 3 years he was busy with school, so we could relocate stuff out of baby boy's room. It feels so good to get organized.

Look at these gems I found... going through a box of stuff I collected at my gran's house a few years ago.