Friday, February 19, 2010

To my beautiful blogging friends

One of my oldest, dearest friends Molly nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Don't we all love to win awards? I'm not sure that I'm deserving, being that I'm a huge slacker in the blogging department, but it feels good to be loved and share the love. Thanks Mol!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award
2. copy the award and paste it on your blog
3. link to the person who nomiated you for the award
4. share 7 interesting things about yourself
5. nominate 7 other beautiful bloggers

7 Interesting Things:
1. I'm a salt fiend. I even like salty drinks (aka V8). Some people have a sweet tooth, I guess I have a salt tooth. That sounds gross....some day it may kill me but for now I still have the blood pressure of a reptile (LOW).
2. If I had the $$ I would hire a) the dog whisperer and b) a closet analysis with this cute little lady. Oh, and a housekeeper!
3. In my fantasy world I would either be a dancer or a CIA Agent.
4. I want to see more of the world. Maybe live and work somewhere in the developing world some day.
5. I am deathly afraid of being pounded by waves; I love the ocean but am a little scared of it. Fear of flying is second on the list after a terrible turbulence incident.
6. I am now on a $30/month coffee budget b/c I used to go to Starbucks every day
7. I can't wait to have kiddos!

7 Other Beautiful Bloggers

1. Johanna 'Ubuntu' Trainer. Always very insightful, honest and funny.
2. Heidi. My favorite girl in the OC!
3. Cassie, who needs to update her blog more! (I know I shouldn't talk)
4. Melissa, an old friend with some of the cutest babies in the world
5. Sarah, an old colleague with a big heart and also some of the cutest babies in the world (ok, I realize I can only say that so much but it's true!)
6. Stacy, friend from DC and a new mama who may soon relocate to the great PNW! Yay!
7. Sonia, world traveler extraordinaire, just returned from Haiti. She too has a huge heart.